The Poseidon freelectics workout routine focuses exclusively on the upper part of the body. It guarantees larger arms, broad shoulders and a beautifully toned chest and chiseled abs.
Poseidon freeleetics workout is a strength based workout routine which is composed of a series of pushups and pullups. The number of routines decrease by a factor of five. The total number of rounds needed to complete the routine is four. Like all the other freeletics routines, it has to be finished in the shortest time possible, ideally without taking a rest. The pullups are relatively easy to perform unlike the pushups which requires precise muscle control so as to lower your body in a restrained manner.
Tips for Poseidon Workout
To perform excellent pushups, start with your body in an inclined position, your hands should be straight while supporting your body under your shoulders. Ensure that your elbows bend at your sides rather than in an outward T position.
- To maintain the straight inclined plane of your body, utilize your abs and glutes, this will ensure that your feet and shoulders fall in a straight incline.
- Straighten your arms to pushup your body, once you are back to your original position, a single repetition is complete.
To perform the pullups, grasp the bar with your palms facing the same direction as you.
- Let your body hang from the bar in the dead hang position and pull your weight up until your chin reaches the level of the bar.
- Slowly lower yourself to the original position to finish a pullup cycle.
The first round of these routines should be performed 20 times, subsequent rounds should be reduced by a factor of five, i.e 20,15,10,5. Repeating the sets is allowed until you experience total muscle failure. Your biceps and triceps should feel worked out at the end of the Poseidon routine, if not, try modifying the pushup and pullup routines with weights such as a weight vest to increase the workout. It is also advisable to increase the pace of the routines.